About MOB NO Generator | 关于MOB NO Generator

 Contact : 6-016 3224023 / mobbackrest@gmail.com



This device, the MOB NITRIC OXIDE GENERATOR is formulated according to a long run 

research and clinical trial carried out over the last 20 years. 

The fundamental phenomenal behind the device is 

about producing Nitric Oxide with the endogenous way.

About Nitric Oxide (NO)

In 1986, Dr. Murry in United States had already discovered that heart 

patients without symptoms usually had higher mortality rate 

in a heart attack or stroke than those that had symptoms like angina, 

short of breath, insomnia, head ache, cold sweating, burping, or bloat…….

Pathological reports confirmed that patients with prior symptoms had more 

Nitric Oxide(NO) in their blood supply while patients without prior symptoms had very little 
Nitric Oxide or nitric oxide under the same condition. In short, 

nitric oxide was a major factor determining the mortality rate or the severity 

in a myocardia infarction and a stroke.

Nitric Oxide (NO) gained astonishing worldwide acknowledgement after

Nobel Prize Laureate Winner in 1998 for Nitric Oxide (NO)to treat heart 

and cerebra vascular diseases and that nitric oxide (NO) for cardia vascular diseases

is the most important discovery in the history of heart and cardia vascular medicines.

There have been thousands of research carried out since 1998 about Nitric Oxide (NO), 

at the same time many benefits about NO for human health besides for 

the heart were discovered. The most famous by products was the development of Vigra.  

The truth was Viagra did not stimulate sexual ability, it is NO that has dilated micro vascular 

and promoted blood and oxygen in the capillaries or micro vascular.

How to increase Nitric Oxide (NO) in the body

So, immediate questions are how to increase NO in the body and how 

does the body make NO?Obviously supplementing with food, 

vitamins or even physical exercises have very little contribution, otherwise 

cardia vascular diseases will not remain as the No#1 killer throughout the world.

Why Is Nitric Oxide (NO) So Precious?

1)     NO is very soluble and unstable. It only stays for few seconds after it is formulated. 

In a way, it is essential but it does not stay in the body, 

not to mention to get it when the body need it to save life.

2)     NO is an endogenous substance that is made in the blood vessels 

through various bio synergies or metabolic reactions. 

For example: the body will automatically transform nitrite to NO during a 

state of emergency when the body is short of blood and oxygen.

3)     NO decreases heavily with age, metabolic functions, constitution and life style…

Even though many have totally lost the ability to produce NO, 

but their body have not lost the ability to response to NO

In short, we will not have sufficient of NO at any time..


help to increase NO in the body

All these above have made the MOB NO GENERATOR so unique,

important and practical to all of us especially for those who experience 

cardia vascular issues. It is probably the only safest and most effective device 

that a patient can use on a daily basis either to improve, to prevent the symptoms 

from getting worst or to ensure a speedy recovery from a stroke or a surgery...

The device is designed according to the principal of How NO is
formed in a hypoxia or ischemia? The device has a pre-programme
of either 33 minutes, 45 minutes or 75 minutes per session.  During the session,
It transiently and repeatedly stops blood flow in our limbs, thigh or calf and relax them later
It has been proven that NO is produced the most at the end of the fifth session.


 Major contributions and benefits of the MOB NO GENERATOR

The ultimate purpose of the therapy is to train up the body:

  1. To formulate NO regularly for vessels dilation purposes.
  2. To pre-condition the body to under take ischemia and hypoxia.
  3. To supply the body with sufficient NO for hearts and organs surrounding to it.
  4. To support with other endogenous substances like adenosine and bradykinin for healthy blood vessels, micro vascular, insulin, microbiome, immune and brain…

Nitric Oxide or NO is one of the hottest topics around the internet, we can always serve
 the net to get more detail the importance of NO to the body on line.

Above all, no one should wait until NO is completely shut down

to begin with the device.

Heart attacks and stroke have been No# 1 killer continuously in the row for many decades 
have proven to all of us that these silent killers do not give us time to regret.

The restoration of nitric oxide has helped many users

  1. To prevent cardiac vascular diseases.
  2. To delay the urgency of a surgery.
  3. To improve dilation of blood vessels, blood flow and to activate collateral circulation (collateral circulation can be a miracle bullet to cardiac vascular disease)
  4. To stabilise hyper tension or low blood pressures.
  5. To prevent heart attack and stroke.
  6. To reduce unwanted risk in a surgery and to speed up the recovery process after a surgery.
  7. To speed up performance in stroke rehabilitation.
  8. To improve sleeping quality.
  9. To reduce blood thickening and heart issues for diabetes.
  10. To improve viscose veins and artery congestions.
  11. To improve Carotid Artesi.
  12. To improve erectile dysfunction and libido.
  13. To improve moodiness, Parkinson or muscular dystrophy.
  14. To improve performance of pelvic floor organs like the prostate, cervical, anus and the large intestine.
  15. To improve pulmonary functions.
  16. To improve breathing ability.
  17. To reduce snoring and to improve sleep apnea.

Testimonials by customers after using 

The MOB Nitric Oxide Generator. 

Data was collected from August 2020 to December 2021.

1) Few customers are able to stop or reduced hypertension and diabetes medicines after 6 months with the (small) device at 45 minutes per session twice a day.

2) Customer who had 99%blocked in the main artery, 40% and 60% blocked in other two, had an unexpected white (unblocked) spot seen during the operation, which had allowed the surgeon to unblock the 99% blocked one.

This was a miracle because the surgeon had already informed patient that there was nothing could be done with the 100% blocked artery... customer started with the big device in August 2020 at two 45 minutes per session a day. Disregards of the patient's fragile medical history, he went through an extreme smooth reperfusion and recovery after the bypass. Customer had been able to sleep, experience less burping, less bloatedness, less short of breath and was able to walk faster after three weeks of daily usage

3) Customer's family member have no more bubbles in the urine.

4) A senior customer reported his joy of having (morning calls) after a long silence. The device did not promote better sexual ability, it is the NO ability to dilate micro vascular that have helped the users

5) Customers improve with their eyes sights, dryness and redness.

6) The reason that the therapy can help insomnia because the process release adenosine, which play very important a role with sleep.

7) A customer did not believe in the devise earlier but started to use it after sequential cold sweat on both hands and after witnessing someone passed away due to symptomless heart infarction.

8) Diabetes Customers always feel less numbness, tingling and swell after consistent using.

9) Parkinson and Dementia Patients have been more stable, more alert, and more flexible and sleep better. This devise or Nitric Oxide is very important for Parkinson. This is probably the foundation to delay the worsening of Parkinson.

10) Seniors who have congestion and inflammations in the lungs will definitely be able to discharge a lot more phlegm and experience less cough in the day.

Our tools are for treatment purposes, thus we cannot reveal customers with their names and medical back ground. We are responsible to protect customers’ confidentiality.

NO has been proven effective for pulmonary diseases and it has been used to treat 

critical pulmonary diseases in many western countries long time ago.

There are many articles relating NO(Nitric Oxide) and Covid-19, have been published
since the outbreak of the pandemic. It is believed that NO can be a very helpful to treat

symptoms of Covid-19, if it is available easily…

About the importer

The best testimonial that we are proud to share will be Professor Hsieh Yet Sun who brought the device into Malaysia few years ago. He is 76 years old now(2021), no chronic issues, fit and healthy...he started with the device 6 years ago when he used it for his varicose veins during his practise in Cheng Du, China.

After so many success cases healed with the therapy, he then decided to bring it in for his own patients.

As Prof was not able to return to Cheng Du to Covid-19, Professor has stayed since February 2020.

Endorsement and Certifications

  1. The China National of Medical Apparatus, Shenyang Branch.
  2. The China National of Pressures and Tension Medical Device.
  3. The China National Pressure Measurement Device Management Unit, Shenyang Branch

Comparisons between the medical and personal used version

Personal Used, not suitable for sharing. Only fixed pressure.
Slower for Treatment
Can only use on arms
Cannot be used on Arm and Thigh simultaneously
Effective on Insomnia, mild vessels blockages and Upper body issues.

Given the high medical cost and the complications of sicknesses, nothing wrong to give it a try....
The MOB NO GENERATOR Therapy is very safe, healthy and most of all, it is a simple mechanism 
to ignite the formulation of Nitric Oxide in the most natural and effective way.

Isogai Neck  And Back Care (002019321-A)           www.neckandbackpain.my

www.pstnitricoxide.com.my /  www.mobnitricoxidegenerator.com.my
+60 16 322 4023 \ +60 16 263 6880         